Getting Started with CJRC is Easy

You can get started with rowing today. No previous experience is necessary. There are no try-outs. CJRC is open to all high school age students in the greater Cincinnati area. The first day of practice for new rowers is September 12th.

CJRC has a "rolling admissions" policy and new rowers may start at any time. Practice takes place at the Newport Boathouse, from 4:00-6:15pm. The Boathouse is open from 3:00-7:00 on Weekdays, and you can be drop off or pick-up during those hours.

To get started your child will need: old athletic shoes (it's muddy), weather-appropriate athletic clothing. and a water bottle labelled with their name.

We welcome new rowers to practice with the team for a week or two before joining the club and paying dues.

For more information please contact boy’s coach Alex Spaulding ( or girl’s coach Kevin McCarthy (

Sign-Up Today

Why Rowing?

Rowing offers one of the best full-body workouts of any sport, building both strength and endurance, furthermore, it is a low-impact sport, which makes it ideal for long-term enjoyment and injury prevention.

Rowing is often referred to as the “ultimate team sport,” because it requires multiple athletes to move in unison and contribute equally--there are few sports that allow you to connect with your peers to the same extent you will with your boatmates.

Races are hosted at beautiful venues all over the country and the world, and there is no better place to spend your time than out on the water.

Rowing offers the opportunity to learn valuable life skills such as: teamwork, time management, responsibility, accountability, long-term goal attainment, and perseverance, all in an environment that is fun and collaborative.

Rowing provides one of the best opportunities to continue one’s athletic aspirations into college--many elite universities offer scholarships and recruiting opportunities for successful rowers.

Rowing has many avid enthusiasts and alumni in desirable employment sectors such as medicine, law, finance, tech, engineering, etc., and provides rowers a common ground with those people as well as their peers interested in those fields.
